A Think Tank for the Fitness and Outdoor Industry

Supporting skills development & employment

The formerly Active Leisure Alliance (est. 2012) was re-launched as the Sector Skills Alliance for Active Leisure (SSA AL) in 2016 by the representative employer organisations for Active Leisure (EuropeActive and EC-OE) to identify sector-specific labour market needs, demand for new occupation profiles and skills needed to perform in the Active Leisure Sector.

Structure Alongside the joined annual meeting of the SSA AL, the two sub-sectors for fitness and outdoor hold bi-annual meetings with their members:

  • National & European sector representatives: employers, professionals and employees;
  • Public & private education and training providers;
  • Public & private universities and research centres;
  • National & European public sector representatives.


The Sector Skills Alliance for Active Leisure is committed to developing the skills and employment opportunities to meet the needs and expectations of the market. The Alliance will do this by:

  • Collecting relevant labour market information on a regular basis,
  • Identifying sector-specific labour market and skills needs,
  • Tracking trends to support new occupation roles,
  • Developing occupational standards and systems to develop the skills needed to by its workers,
  • Creating forums for stakeholders and especially employers to debate and discuss skills and employment issues.

The Alliance is committed to inform its sector employers, employees, training providers to help strengthen the exchange of knowledge and practice between education and training institutions and the labour market.

SSA Resources