Supporting the test phase of the European Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee for the sport and Active Leisure Sector.
Supporting the sector
The sport and Active Leisure Sector is a young and dynamic sector that is growing by 3-4% each year and it needs to be further developed in areas such as skill recognition, common training frameworks and improving levels of mobility in order to create more and better jobs. Enhancing the capacity of the European social partners (from both employer and employee sides) and stimulating discussion on these issues contributed to help the sector to reach its potential as a source of quality labour.
Exchange of Good Practice
The main objective of the action, co-funded by the European Commission’s DG EMPL, was the exchange of best practices and expertise on measures to strengthen employability and growth across the sector such as life-long learning opportunities, skills development, transparency of recognition of qualifications, certificates of learning (non-formal learning) and risk assessment and insurance related issue.
The Activities
The design of the project has foreseen seven roundtables and one plenary session, split between the 3 different sub-sectors: Active Leisure, professional sport, non-for-profit sports. The action specifically targeted the Eastern and Central European Member States, Romania, Finland and Poland as roundtable hosts. The aim was to raise awareness about European social dialogue within these countries and in the adjacent region as a whole. Trade Unions and employer organisations from Croatia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Slovenia and Slovakia were invited to join these activities.
The Active Leisure sub-sector, represented by EuropeActive (fitness) and EC-OE (outdoor) organised three roundtables:
- In Bucharest, Romania (June 2016), with representative of both employers and employees from Romania, Bulgaria and Hungary
- In Helsinki, Finland (October 2016)
- In Krakow, Poland (March 2017)
In addition, the European Confederation of Outdoor Employers (EC-OE) completed an assessment of health and safety issues on behalf of DG SANTE in 2013. The main findings and recommendations are summarised in this study which has been prepared as part of the current social dialogue test phase for sport and Active Leisure. Click here to download.