The action of the DIAL project is to build capacity in social dialogue in the active leisure sector across 14 Member States. As identified by the Commission, the active leisure sector comprises two sub-sectors - fitness and outdoors, and they are part of the broader sport sector. UNI-Europa is identified as the key organisation for employee representativeness. The Eurofound Study concluded that bipartite labour relations within the active leisure sector are poorly developed in a majority of Member States, and the sector is characterised by a high associational fragmentation at both national and European levels.
Employers in Active Leisure
Current considerations of social dialogue in active leisure do not comprehensively review the employer positions in fitness or the outdoor sector which is why EHFA propose the action. The project will provide the research to identify and bring together firstly national actors to work towards establishing dialogue positions and then secondly a European agenda of priorities for social dialogue.
The Activities
The action will set out to establish four components for national level dialogue to develop from acceptable frameworks which proposes to establish representative employer groups from fitness and the outdoor sectors, and employee groups for the same. Therefore the action will look at three broad groups for national actions upon which to build capacity:
- where there are 2 or more identified components already in place;
- where there are only 1 or 2 components in place; and,
- where there is practically no structure in place at all.
The three “groups” of 14 Member States who will be involved in the action are:
- Group 1 who have 2 or more components already in place are ES, FR, NL, PT and the UK.
- Group 2 who have only 1 or 2 components in place are BE (FL and W), DE, EL, and HU, and,
- Group 3 where EHFA and EC-OE have some contacts but no recognisable structures in place are EE, FI, LT, LV and RO.