About Active Leisure Alliance Projects
The employer organisations EuropeActive and EC-OE work closely with the European Commission and support its main focus of improving growth, entrepreneurship and employability for a sector which is showing continued expansion and innovation. Supported with EU-funding from DG EMPL and DG EAC, the Alliance has realised two projects in the field of European Sectoral Social Dialogue and contributed with the SIQAF project to the development of a recognition procedure of international qualifications for the European Qualifications Framework (EQF). Hence, the Alliance has successfully completed the mapping exercise for DG EMPL’s European Skills Competencies and Occupations (ESCO) transparency tool in 2015.
Blueprint under the way (2018-2020)
With the Blueprint project, the Active Leisure Alliance is currently running a 36-months projects in support of a sector skills strategy to support employment and growth in the sector. Part of this action is the maintenance and enhancement of the Sector Skills Alliance for Active Leisure, launched back in 2016. Hence, employer engagement in the Active Leisure Alliance together with representation from employees, suppliers and other essential stakeholders help to form balanced and focused decisions and key policy outcomes.
European Sectoral Social Dialogue (2012-2017)
The test-phase of the European Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee for the Sport and Active Leisure Sector was running between 2013-2017 with the aim to promote the dialogue between the social partners in the sectors at European level. The committee was chaired by the social partners UNI Europa Sport and the European Association of Sports Employers (EASE) who tried to increase its representativeness to meet the criteria required for an official social dialogue committee to be launched, but this has been unsuccessful.
Following the suspension of the ESSDC test-phase, EHFA-E members agreed to shift responsibility for further sectoral development to the Sector Skills Alliance for Active Leisure during their last GA in April 2018 in Cologne. LINK last GA minutes doc here.