European Fitness sector committed to increasing opportunities through training and education

On 6 June, 2018 Member of the European Parliament Martina Dlabajova hosted the event on Social mobility- – how can we increase opportunities through training and education- in the European Parliament. The panel discussion was jointly organized by ACCA, PwC, European Movement International, and the European Youth Forum and brought together representatives from the EU institutions, civil society organisations and the private sector.

Blueprint project is speeding up with the first TEG meeting

At the same time the SIQAF project is coming to an end, EuropeActive’s new project “Blueprint for skills development and employment for Active Leisure” is speeding up with the first Technical Expert Group (TEG) meeting. Blueprint is the long-term strategy to develop new skills for current and future workers, for improving employability of young people, and supporting entrepreneurship and growth across the sector.

EuropeActive helping to break new ground with Active Leisure sector recognition of its European qualifications

Experts from across Europe came together in Brussels to consider the new pathway proposed for the recognition and support of European qualifications for active leisure. The two qualifications in Personal Training and Outdoor Animator were developed through the DG EMPL funded project known as SIQAF by EuropeActive and the European Confederation of Outdoor Employers.

Happy Birthday EQF!

Transparency and recognition of all types of skills and qualifications are necessary to enable people in Europe access opportunities of being truly mobile between employment and learning, or within and between countries. Over the past 10 years, the European Commission together with the EU member states has been working on implementing and further developing the European Qualification Framework (EQF).
