The future of work in the EU

One big promise from the European Union is the free movement of people and goods.

Therefore, mutual understanding of competences and qualifications is crucial to make labour market mobility in the EU reality. And it has been done a lot in this regard: NQFs, EQF, ECTS and ECVET are so called transparency tools currently used by all member states to support transparency of certificates, diplomas and qualifications.

Ultimately, transparency is necessary to value and to be able to remunerate persons’ work in accordance with their skills, knowledge and competences.

Employer Skills Survey 2019: more than just data

Employers representing nearly 1,000 clubs across Europe took part in the 2019 skills survey which has taken place over several years. The findings and trends help provide the evidence and direction for future qualification and skills development of fitness professionals. The 2019 survey included an increase in the number of larger clubs and chains that took part.

Bucharest hosts the 2019 EU Sport Forum

The European Commission is organising the 2019 EU sport Forum in collaboration with the Romanian presidency, on 8th and 9th April in Bucharest. The EU Sport Forum is one of the main events for the EU sport stakeholders. During the two-day event, a whole range of topics will be tackled during plenary and breakout sessions.

European Parliament and Commission on the future of Vocational Education and Training

The European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop) joined forces with the European Parliament to host a special lunch event to present ‘The role of vocational education and training in shaping the future of Europe’. EuropeActive attended the lunch time conference on Wednesday 27th February in the European Parliament with members of the parliament (MEPs), representatives from further EU institutions and industry stakeholders.
