Sector Skills Foresight: creating one vision for the European Fitness sector

Last week, EuropeActive gathered stakeholders of the European Fitness industry to brainstorm and discuss future opportunities and challenges for the sector in Warsaw, Poland. The brainstorming session is part of a series of so-called foresight activities, to address future labour market needs and demands for the European Active Leisure (Fitness and Outdoor) Sector. The involvement of the Sector Skills Alliance (SSA) for Active Leisure is crucial to assure the involvement of all stakeholders from the industry and other representatives: national and European sector representatives, employers, employees, public & private education and training providers, public & private universities and research centres and national public sector representatives.

The International Standards Meeting 2018 was the perfect environment to involve European employers and training providers. During that meeting which took place this year in Warsaw, Poland 15-16 November 2018, 90 delegates had the chance to write down their ideas about future on a brainstorming wall over two days. Both brainstorming sessions – during the SSA meeting and during the conference – give a good impression on future strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities as perceived by sectoral stakeholders. From here, the Blueprint project partners will drive further their research activities with first results expected during spring/ summer 2019. The overall goal is to create a dense picture of an industry vision to better prepare professionals of the Active Leisure sector for future skills challenges (2025-2030).


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