Sector Skills Alliance for Active leisure meeting to review its strategy amid Covid-19 pandemic
Sector Skills Alliance for the Active Leisure‘s mission, since it was established in 2016, has been to identify sector-specific labour market needs, demand for new occupation profiles and skills needed to perform in the Outdoor and Fitness sector using scientific evidence.
Undoubtedly, the Covid-19 pandemic has changed the landscape and has obviously brought us to another reality where there are new skills needed, new needs created and new challenges for the sector to overcome.
In this regard, the SSA experts’ full team will meet next week, on the 10th November online, to review and discuss the impact of Covid-19 pandemic on both the Fitness and the Outdoors sector. Specifically, on the skills needed for fitness trainers and outdoor animators within this new reality. Moreover, the consortium will confirm pre-Covid-19 foresight outcomes as included in EuropeActive’s EU-funded project BLUEPRINT, and thus reflect on the changes in priorities to SSA pledge and discuss the purpose of the SSA from now on and its future shape.