Happy Birthday EQF!
Transparency and recognition of all types of skills and qualifications are necessary to enable people in Europe access opportunities of being truly mobile between employment and learning, or within and between countries. Over the past 10 years, the European Commission together with the EU member states has been working on implementing and further developing the European Qualification Framework (EQF). The EQF is a translation tool that helps communication and comparison between qualifications systems in Europe.
EuropeActive is joining synergies with the European Commission with several EU funded actions to support quality, transparency and recognition of qualifications in the European Fitness and Active Leisure sector. On 15-16 March 2018 EuropeActive is attending 2-day event to learn more about the impact and outcomes of the EQF over the past decade.
For more information about EuropeActive's work related to the EQF, please read about the SIQAF and Blueprint projects.