Fitness sector qualifications setting the bar high in Warsaw and Rome
In June 2018, EuropeActive travelled to meetings in Rome and Warsaw to share experiences related to sectoral skills and qualifications in the European Health and Fitness sector.
As a member of the European Alliance for Apprenticeships (EAfA), Europe Active participated in the Stakeholder meeting 21 to 22 June 2018 in Rome, Italy. The meeting was organised in cooperation with the EAfA company award winner 2017 ENEL. The event focused on “Apprenticeships from School to Work” using the Italian case as a good practice example. The meeting included presentations from the European Commission (João Santos) on EU developments on apprenticeships, round table discussions and a visit to the ENEL Technical and Digital Training Centre in L'Aquila.
At the same time the EAfA stakeholder meeting took place in Italy, EuropeActive’s Director of Programmes, Cliff Collins was invited to deliver the keynote speech at the conference “The sectoral approach to qualifications – qualifications frameworks, occupational standards, sector skills councils” organized by the Polish Educational research institute. The event took place at the Warsaw University of Technology and brought together national key stakeholders and experts in the field of sectoral and international qualifications. The presentation covered the presentation of the EU-funded projects SIQAF and Blueprint which could demonstrate how a sector can be involved in skills development and labour market challenges.