Expert Group “Skills and Human Resources Development in Sport”
The second meeting of the European Commission Expert Group “Skills and Human Resources Development in Sport” took place in Split 11-12 July. Experts from the Member States were joined by observers and speakers to review the current position and understanding of qualifications and skills in sport.
At the first meeting EuropeActive presented the SIQAF pathway and proposal through its BLUEPRINT project to take fitness qualifications onto national qualification frameworks. Sergio Lara-Bercial from the International Council on Coaching Excellence and Fiona Larkin from Sport Ireland Coaching explained some of the detailed issues of developing and recognising qualifications within national frameworks. They are both project partners in BLUEPRINT and also in attendance was Louis Moustakas from ENSE and Cliff Collins from EuropeActive.
The Expert Group will prepare guidelines/recommendations regarding the basic requirements for skills and competences for coaches, including for fitness and outdoor sectors. This document is being developed in response to the Council Conclusions on the role of coaches in society adopted in November 2017 under the Estonian Presidency. One of the main objectives it to try to get a broader understanding and acceptance of qualifications in the sector which will help to support the mobility of workers. The Commission also confirmed that the importance of learning mobility will have an increasingly important role in the forthcoming Erasmus+ programme. Replicating the success of the Erasmus Programme for higher education student exchanges, the same opportunities will be created for vocational education and training.
The next meeting of the Expert Group will take place in November in Austria (as part of their Council Presidency) and will have a focus on learning mobility. The Croatian hosts of the meeting in Split provided some lively entertainment of World Cup football following a tour of the historic centre of Split and the Diocletian's Palace.
Picture: Kaisa Larjomaa