European Parliament and Commission on the future of Vocational Education and Training
The European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop) joined forces with the European Parliament to host a special lunch event to present ‘The role of vocational education and training in shaping the future of Europe’. EuropeActive attended the lunch time conference on Wednesday 27th February in the European Parliament with members of the parliament (MEPs), representatives from further EU institutions and industry stakeholders.
The event was opened by event host MEP Anne Sander and followed by a presentation of Loukas Zahilas (Head of Cedefop’s department for VET systems and institutions) and Jens Bjornavold. The experts presented recently published results on the Changing nature and role of vocational education and training (VET) in Europe. Based on research looking at developments of Vocational Education and Training (VET) systems over the past 20 years, the research project aims at outlining and predicting future developments.
EuropeActive is currently undergoing its own research project to gain improved understanding of future challenges of the fitness sector in relation to skills. The EU-funded project Blueprint supports various activities to prepare the industry for the changes surrounding employment, digitalisation, demographic change and health. First results of ongoing work such as the skills foresight will be presented and reviewed by EuropeActive’s and EC-OE’s Sector Skills Alliance for Active Leisure during FIBO week in Cologne.