European Fitness sector committed to increasing opportunities through training and education
On 6 June, 2018 Member of the European Parliament Martina Dlabajova hosted the event on Social mobility- – how can we increase opportunities through training and education- in the European Parliament. The panel discussion was jointly organized by ACCA, PwC, European Movement International, and the European Youth Forum and brought together representatives from the EU institutions, civil society organisations and the private sector. The empirical base of the event delivered Eurofound with the presentation of their recent study on Social mobility in the EU. The research identified that EU citizens are increasingly concerned that young people have fewer opportunities for upward social mobility than their parents.
With 650,000 people working for the European Health and Fitness sector and more than 1,000,000 people in the Active Leisure Sector (fitness & outdoor), it is a significant employer for the EU. Therefore, EuropeActive is committed to boost employability, especially for young people by supporting Vocational Education and Training of professionals and support labour market mobility through enhanced recognition of skills and qualifications. With the Blueprint project (the follow-up of SIQAF project), EuropeActive goes one step further to present in 2020 the Blueprint for skills development and employment for Active Leisure, a long-term strategy supported by recent research to promote the development of professionals and the fitness sector in the EU.