Blueprint project: Third full partners’ meeting in Leeds

Skills foresight, review of qualifications in use, and the development of international qualifications are only three of a range of activities undertaken by Blueprint’s project consortium. The EU-funded action is in its second year and up to full speed. Seven organisations supported by two external experts gathered in Leeds to present and discuss first results of ongoing research and surveys. Leeds Beckett University hosted the 2-day meeting March 12-13, 2019 and provided the participants with a great meeting location in the Emerald Headingley Stadium.

Started in 2018, the Blueprint project is a three years project and aims at developing a sector skills strategy for the Active Leisure sector (fitness and outdoor). During the first phase of the project, the consortium aims at creating the evidence base to identify sectoral skills gaps followed by a carefully designed plan and implementation of activities. These are related to the further development of the 2016 established Sector Skills Alliance and the introduction of Active Leisure qualifications to the National Qualification Frameworks.

For regular updates on ongoing project activities, please visit and follow EuropeActive’s social media.

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