Blueprint project: 5th partners meeting at Sport Ireland in Dublin
How can we support professional development and labour market mobility in the European Active Leisure Sector? Which qualifications are currently used by the industry? What are the skills, professionals need today and in the next 10 years?
A group of European experts from the Fitness, Outdoor and Physical Activity sector are determined to answer these questions within the frame of the Blueprint project. A Blueprint is a sector skills strategy based on evidence-based solutions to skills and labour market challenges – the key outcome of this 3-years Erasmus+ Sport funded action.
5th partners meeting took place 4th to 5th February 2020 in Dublin and was organised by Sport Ireland at the National Sport campus. The third and last year of this project has foreseen the finalisation of research reports which will form the base of a list of recommendations for the Active Leisure sector.
The final outcomes will be captured on video and the final Blueprint report will be available online by the end of this year. The next and last meeting take place in October 2020 in Brussels.
For more information about the project, please read here.