Blueprint for Active Leisure project picks up speed quickly after third meeting
EuropeActive’s new project on skills development and employment picks up speed quickly to deliver a Blueprint for Active Leisure. Eight project partners preparing a range of studies and actions which will underpin the sector strategy. Hence, the third meeting this year was heavily focused on the individual (research) activities: qualification review, skills foresight, the establishment of a certifying body, promoting Active Leisure, recognition of informal and non-formal learning etc. Project partner ENSE (European Network for Sport Education) kindly hosted the consortium at the Institute of European Sport Development and Leisure Studies of the German Sport University in Cologne.
The Blueprint project started in January 2018 and is co-funded by the European Commission under the Erasmus+ programme. It continues the work started with the SIQAF project (2016-2018). Both projects have the goal to support the sector and increase employment through skills development and recognition. First results of studies and project activities are expected early summer 2019.