Blueprint’s consortium meets for the 5th time
The Blueprint project has reached its mid-term with most activities successfully completed. To sign off some key outputs and plan the remaining 18 months of the project, the Blueprint consortium gathered 28 June 2019 in Brussels. Hence, the project partners joined the Sector Skills Alliance for Active Leisure meeting the previous day which was well attended by representatives from employer and employee organisations and the European Commission. The Sector Skills Alliance provides a platform for validating results, focus groups and effective result dissemination.
The Blueprint project started in January 2018 and is funded under ERASMUS+ Sport for 36 months. The overall goal of the project is to promote skills cooperation and employment in the European Active Leisure Sector (=fitness + outdoor). The major output of the activity will be the sector skills strategy (=Blueprint) which will include evidence-based sector-specific recommendations.
The strategy should lead to a systemic and structural impact on reducing skills shortages, gaps and mismatches, as well as ensuring appropriate quality and levels of skills to support growth, innovation and competitiveness in the Active Leisure Sector. It will give direction to how we need to support future skills needs, and the new roles and occupations that will undoubtedly be needed as the Active leisure Sector develops.